Together Again: 2 1/2 years and she’s finally home!!!

Baby went missing in Sept of 2017. I reported her lost on here and looked for months. Many random drives where she originally went missing. Finally gave up hope and figured someone kept her without even trying to look for her home. Now, today, I get a text and call from here saying that she’s been found! What are the chances 2 1/2 years later! She must have ran off from whoever has had her and luckily some good people (that’s you, Bill!) actually got her checked for a chip and contacted us right away! It’s going to take some time getting her used to her name again since I have no idea what these other people have been calling her and get her used to my other dog now, fingers crossed they don’t butt heads! But I am so grateful and thankful that there’s still good people out there who care! Thank you all again for everything!
Rachel Johnson:
Your story brings me to tears because I lost my Pheobe a year ago and still hoping to luck upon her some way. Your story gives me hope.
Jillian Goad:
Looks like my brownie too, hopefully the new dog recognized the smell was already in the home and will be excepting. Best story ever 🙂
Your Baby looks just like our Josie! Im so glad you got her home.
Darin Embry:
That’s so awesome you got your dog back after all that time. Just shows how important the chip is after all.