I was kick scooter mushing on some nearby wild BLM land with my 2 Beagles this morning, when we rounded a turn and encountered a man on a mountain bike with a loose dog.  In the commotion that followed, one of my Beagles, Hamish, managed to get loose and took off after the bicyclist.  My remaining Beagle and I kick-scootered after him as fast as we could, but he was just too fast, and we lost sight of him after about 3/4 mile.  A quick search was fruitless, so I drove home, praying that someone would find him and called PetLink.

Sure enough, I barely got home when I received a text from Petlink that Hamish had been found safe and sound about 2 miles from where I lost sight of him, and was playing with the good Samaritan’s dog!  Prayers answered! GET PETLINK FOR YOUR CHERISHED PETS!

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