Published on: June 30, 2024
Author: Alix Mitchell

As pet lovers, we know that our pets are more than just animals—they’re family. At PetLink, we’re dedicated to helping you keep your beloved pets safe and sound, which is why we’re excited to celebrate National Lost Pet Prevention Month with you this July! Let’s dive into the history of this important month, why it’s celebrated in July, and how you can participate to ensure the safety of your pets.

History of National Lost Pet Prevention Month

National Lost Pet Prevention Month aims to raise awareness about the importance of keeping pets safe and preventing them from getting lost. This dedicated month reminds pet owners to take proactive steps to secure their pets. By promoting education and encouraging the implementation of effective strategies, it helps reduce the number of lost pets and increases the chances of reuniting with them if they do go missing.

Why is National Lost Pet Prevention Month in July?

You might wonder, why July? The summer months, especially July, see a spike in lost pets. Increased outdoor activities, family vacations, and noisy celebrations like the Fourth of July mean pets are more prone to escaping, becoming scared, bolting or getting lost. Notably, more pets go missing on July 4th than any other day of the year due to the stress from fireworks and festivities. By emphasizing pet safety and providing education during this high-risk month, we can help lower the number of pets that go missing.

How to Take Part in National Lost Pet Prevention Month

Getting involved in National Lost Pet Prevention Month is easy and can make a huge difference in keeping your pet safe. Here are some effective strategies to prevent your pet from getting lost:

1. Don’t Leave Your Pet Unattended

Whether you’re at home or out in the yard, never leave your pet unattended. Pets can be curious and adventurous, and it only takes a moment for them to wander off and get lost. Keep an eye on them at all times to ensure their safety.

2. Collar & ID Tag Your Pet

A simple but essential step is to ensure your pet always wears a collar with an ID tag. Include your name, phone number, and address on the tag. This way, if your pet does get lost, anyone who finds them can easily contact you. For extra safety, consider adding a tag that indicates your pet is microchipped.

3. Keep Your Pet in a Secure Enclosure

Make sure your home and yard are secure. Check for any gaps or holes in fences and gates that your pet could slip through. If you have a particularly clever or anxious pet, ensure that all the doors and windows in your home are shut and secure. 

4. Put a GPS on Your Pet

In addition to a collar and ID tag, consider using a GPS tracker on your pet’s collar. These ingenious devices attach to your pet’s collar and allow you to monitor their location in real-time using an app on your smartphone. If your pet wanders off, you’ll be able to quickly track them down and bring them home safely.

5. Microchip Your Pet (Make Sure Your Details are Registered & Up To Date!)

Microchipping is one of the most effective ways to ensure you can be reunited with your pet if they get lost. In fact, pets with microchips are three times more likely to be reunited with their families2. A microchip is a small device, about the size of a grain of rice, implanted under your pet’s skin; this is a quick, easy, and painless procedure your vet can do at any veterinary appointment. Once you register your pet’s microchip in PetLink’s microchip registry, their microchip number becomes linked to your contact information. If your pet is found and taken to a vet or shelter, they can scan the chip and access your contact details. Just remember to keep your information up to date in the microchip database!

What to Do If You Find a Lost Pet

If you find a lost pet, there are steps you can take to help reunite them with their owners.

  1. Check for ID Tags: Look for any tags that might have the owner’s contact information.
  2. Take Them to a Vet or Shelter: Have the pet scanned for a microchip. This is the quickest way to find the owner’s information.
  3. Use Social Media: Post pictures and details of the found pet on local lost pet groups and community pages.
  4. Notify Local Authorities: Inform animal control or local shelters that you’ve found a lost pet.

Importance of National Lost Pet Prevention Month

National Lost Pet Prevention Month is an important initiative to raise awareness about the measures we can take to keep our pets safe. Each year, about 10 million pets go missing in the United States, and many are never reunited with their families3. By dedicating a month to spreading awareness and education, we can prevent lost pets and ensure more happy reunions.

This month helps us spread awareness and emphasize the importance of microchipping and keeping your pet’s information up to date in PetLink’s microchip registry. This is a simple, yet powerful tool to reuniting lost pets with their owners. At PetLink, we’re proud to be an industry leader in pet identification to help keep your pets safe and increase your chances of reunification. After all, we’re pet lovers too, and we want to keep you and your pet safely linked together for life. 

Lost Pet Success Stories

While we celebrate National Lost Pet Prevention Month, let’s take a moment to share some heartwarming stories of pets who were successfully reunited with their families, thanks to the diligence and care of pet owners and the effectiveness of microchipping!

National Lost Pet Prevention Month is an excellent opportunity for us to take proactive steps to ensure the safety of our furry family. By being vigilant, using proper identification, and embracing technology like GPS trackers and microchips, we can significantly reduce the number of lost pets and increase the chances of happy reunions. At PetLink, we’re dedicated to helping you keep your pets safe and secure- in fact, we’ve been doing this for over 30 years! Together, we can make a difference and ensure more pets stay with the families who love them. Happy National Lost Pet Prevention Month!
