On 07/11/24 around 6:30 pm we could not find Bentley for almost 2 hours. We walked around the yard and neighbor looking and calling for him, then we contacted PetLink to report him lost. We continued to drive the neighborhood and checked with neighbors; still nothing. My daughter and I went in the house to double check again, and still no Bentley. We viewed our outdoor cameras and didn’t see him leaving the yard or anything. We were so confused.

While inside, my daughter said “Mom I hear him in the living room.” We looked and looked still could find him. He had a very low whimper so I followed the sound. Lo and behold he was closed up in the recliner. Yelled for my husband “We found him!” he ran in and moved the recliner and Bentley came out. We picked him up and he gave us lots of kisses even though he was literally shaking.

So apparently Bentley went under the recliner while my husband was reclined back watching tv; got up to assist our daughter and close him in the recliner not knowing he went in the opening.

I was elated to contact PetLink to let them know we had found our fur baby!

  • Nia James:

    I reported my cat missing this morning and started reading some of the reunion stories for hope. I saw this one and decided to go over where there is construction in our house. Turns out she had been underneath the recliner this whole time!! Thank you so much for sharing your story because it helped so much. Take care!

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