Together Again: Cat Traps
I was very happy to be reunited with one of my cats, White Socks. White Socks is an indoor/outdoor cat. I live on a ranch that is over one acre and he goes around the house and our property as he pleases.
White Socks was a feral cat that I got neutered and vaccinated. Including White Socks, altogether the entire colony of cats at my home, as of today, numbers 25 in total. I have been able to microchip eleven cats in the colony so far and that has been most valuable.
White Socks and his family came from our neighbors out back from my property. The cats were skinny, unfriendly, in bad shape and very hungry. At first, the family kept growing, as it is not easy to catch feral cats. Little by little, I have fixed all 25 and still the neighbors set traps with food to catch them and get rid of them. This happened to some of my cats too, but luckily a few made it back home. Now, we have an understanding and my neighbors will call Animal Control when they trap one and Animal Control calls me thanks to the microchip.
Without a microchip several of my cats would already be dead. In fact, at least six already are, as, at first, I did not know what was going on when they just disappeared. It is painful for me, not just because of all the money that I have spent neutering and spaying them, vaccinating them and socializing them, but because I really love each and every one of them and I take good care of them together with my two dogs and two horses.
I will continue catching all the rest of the cats to microchip them as that will be the only way to keep them relatively safe. Animal Control would like to help me, but, unfortunately, there is not much they can do, except call me each time one of my babies falls in a trap. Thank you for this service, PetLink because it sure saved White Socks.