Oliver was lost on April 4, after escaping a carrier that was not properly closed. We were leaving the vet where he was getting shots, fixed and a microchip all at the same time. We immediately printed out posters and put them up all around the neighborhood where we lost him. He’s a beautiful, exotic cat with stripes.

We had a tip around 11:15 pm on April 11 and we went to look immediately. It happened to be the exact block where we had lost him. We called for him, and he cried in return, so we knew we had found him. He is a feral cat, so not so friendly to handle. But he came for his food, and actually rubbed against my hand. I took it as a sign that it was okay to pick him up, something I’d never done before, and take him home. It was a traumatic experience . . . a week from H**L, but we’re so glad we have our little guy back home.

Hopefully, someday he’ll be able to be fully domesticated into an indoor kitty. For now, we’ve released him after a few days in a kennel in our garage, and he hasn’t left the property. Thank you PetLink for the poster template. It was so easy to use, and it helped us begin our search for him right away. Then, it made it easy to jump right on finding him. We’re forever grateful.

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