Published on: July 11, 2024
Author: Lauren Piandes and Mel Pulido

Summer is here and many of us are ready to head outside with our pets for relaxation, quality time with loved ones, and outdoor adventures. Summer pet safety is important, and PetLink has put together some useful tips on how you can make summer enjoyable and safe for yourself and your pets.


Create Safe and Secure Outdoor Playtime

Before letting your pets outside, make sure your gates are closed and your fences don’t have any holes or easy escape routes. Pets are notorious for finding ways to escape, especially if they see a bird or squirrel!

PetLink Tip: Whether your yard is fenced or not, it’s always recommended to supervise your pets when they are outside.



Protect Those Paws

You wouldn’t walk barefoot on hot pavement, so neither should your dog! Try walking your dog during cooler times of the day, such as morning or evening, to protect their sensitive paw pads.

The same note can be attributed to allowing your pets onto an uncovered porch (or patio or deck) during certain times of the day. These can become extra hot during midday, so it’s best to test the surface with your hand before letting your pets join you for porch time.

PetLink Tip: Walking your dog on dirt/grass trails is ideal for the summer. If that isn’t an option for you, getting your dog to wear pet booties is another great choice for paw protection.


Hydration is Key

Keeping your pet hydrated at all times is essential for hot summer days. Place your pet’s water bowls in cool, shaded places around the house and/or yard. Remember to pack a portable water bowl (and fresh water!) for pet-inclusive outdoor activities.

PetLink Tip: Regularly clean your pet’s water bowls to prevent bacteria buildup. Refreshing their water regularly will keep your pet happy, healthy and hydrated.



Prevent Overheating in Pets

Overheating can be a big problem for any pet, especially flat-nosed breeds like Bulldogs, Boxers, and Persian Cats. On warm and hot days, it’s best to keep your pet inside and provide them with plenty of water and cool treats. For long-haired pets, we recommend keeping their coats groomed and trimmed but never shaved.

PetLink Tip: Leaving your pet in a parked car during summer months is illegal in 31 states, and for good reason. It is extremely dangerous, sometimes deadly, to leave your pet in a parked car at any time. If you must run errands, opt to leave your pet at home, or have a trusted friend or family member watch over them.


Pet Travel Safety

When getting ready to travel with your pet, keep these pre-travel travel safety points in mind:

  • Check that your microchip contact information is up-to-date in PetLink.
  • Consider putting a GPS tracker on their collar to see where your pet is at all times while on-the-go.
  • Get visual ID, such as collars and collar tags, for your pet.
  • Protect your pet in the car with a pet seatbelt or carrier.
  • Bring plenty of water, food, comfortable blankets, toys, and portable water and food bowls for your pet.

PetLink Tip: If you plan on traveling internationally, it’s best to make an appointment with your vet to complete any documentation the destination country requires. You may see the CDC’s updated regulations guide here.


We hope you and your pets have a safe, happy, and fun summer!