4 Year Tebow

Author: Lauren Piandes

A little over 7 years ago I brought home a little Siamese kitten to be a companion for me and my family. My son named the cat after his favorite football player, so Tebow became one of us. As with most cats he had his sense of adventure, conquering his territory and establishing his kingdom, […]

Binx’s Trouble

Author: dmimrktg

I had accidentally left the door open while helping my delivery person with a large order, and I didn’t notice my cat Binx had slipped out until it was too late! I received a call from North Hills Animal Clinic after they scanned a microchip. They said they had someone come in that had found […]

Lost and Found Binx!

Author: dmimrktg

One of my kids accidentally left the sliding door open on our back porch in our former apartment. At the time my mom was walking our Boston Terrier. An unleashed APBT came charging at my elderly mother and my dog. Binx saw this from inside my apartment and ran out of the apartment onto the […]

Ben can’t Best PetLink

Author: dmimrktg

My cat Ben was taken to county animal control by someone in the area on 7/24. Ben is determined to go outside and with our busy household, it’s very very difficult to keep him inside, and he continually slips out of his collar. I was contacted by PetLink and by animal control on 7/25. I […]

Oh Daisy Where are You?

Author: dmimrktg

Daisy escaped my house April 26th she was returned to us by June 11th!  A lady not too far away from my house had found her and took her to the vet. The vet scanned her and they notified the lady that Daisy was a missing cat PetLink notified me and I got her back! […]

Lost and Found in Canada!

Author: dmimrktg

On February 12th, a young cat during his first snowy Canadian winter, wandered too far onto adjacent streets and got lost in the snowy landscape. He was found by a neighbor after 5 days, after my cat ran into her house when she left the screen door open.  He was more hungry than scared after […]