So glad we have PetLink

Author: Lauren Piandes

Sawyer is 1 1/2 years old and loves to play with his pal across the street, Remi. Yesterday, September 13, 2022, Sawyer and Remi noticed another dog pass the picket fence, they interacted but I guess they left too soon for Sawyer as he squeezed through two of the slats in the fence.  The dog […]

Halloween Safety Tips for You and Your Pet (with COVID-19 Precautions)

Author: Kathy Pobloskie

Although we may not believe it, COVID-19 is still prevalent in our daily lives over a year later.  Social-distancing and mask-wearing is still encouraged, and we are trying our best to keep our communities safe during this time in history. Because of this, along with the usual pet safety tips, we would like to add […]