Binx’s Trouble

Author: dmimrktg

I had accidentally left the door open while helping my delivery person with a large order, and I didn’t notice my cat Binx had slipped out until it was too late! I received a call from North Hills Animal Clinic after they scanned a microchip. They said they had someone come in that had found […]

Don’t Litter: The Importance of Spaying and Neutering Your Pet

Author: Lauren Piandes

Wow, can you believe it’s already February? February is recognized as National Spay & Neuter Awareness Month! With spring fast approaching, this pet awareness month encourages pet owners to have their animals or furry family members spayed or neutered before the spring and summer.  During these months most animal shelters have a hard time managing […]

Pet Safety Tips for Halloween

Author: Kathy Pobloskie
Category: Holidays, Pet Safety

Halloween can be either fun or frightening for your pets.  A little forethought and preparation can ensure that your pet family is safe during the Halloween festivities in your home and community.    Costumes, Parties and Parades First and foremost, even if your pets are going to be wearing costumes,  keep a well-fitting collar with […]

Ten Tips to Protect Your Pets from a House Fire

Author: Kathy Pobloskie
Category: Pet Safety

What could be worse than the thought of your pet being caught in a house fire? Unfortunately, it happens more often than most people realize. An estimated 500,000 pets are affected by home fires each year in America. There are two key strategies in pet fire safety: preventing your pet from causing a fire and […]