Ariel’s 2 Year Trip

Author: Lauren Piandes

My Ariel of Southern Fried Deckers is a rare breed Decker Hunting Terrier which was stolen 2 years ago. Thanks to PetLink, I was notified she was in a Riverside County Animal Pound that was closed due to COVID-19. PetLink went above and beyond the call of duty even coordinating the contact between myself and […]

How Pet Owners Can Celebrate Check the Chip Day! (August 15th)

Author: Lauren Piandes

Check the Chip Day is August 15th and it is our favorite day of the year! There are steps you can take to ensure your pet’s microchip is doing its job properly. The most important of these are:   For a microchip to get a found pet home, it is important to register the pet […]

4 Years Gone and Back Again

Author: Lauren Piandes

My dog Alden got out of our yard in North Dakota around the 4th of July 2016 because the fireworks in town scared him. We searched everywhere and asked everyone we could find if they’d seen him to no avail. We gave up all hope of getting him back when our neighbor who owns the […]

Binx’s Trouble

Author: dmimrktg

I had accidentally left the door open while helping my delivery person with a large order, and I didn’t notice my cat Binx had slipped out until it was too late! I received a call from North Hills Animal Clinic after they scanned a microchip. They said they had someone come in that had found […]