From Florida to Oklahoma and Back – Andora and Brenna are Together Again

Author: Lauren Piandes
Category: Uncategorized

2 years ago, Florida-resident Brenna Denmark’s beloved dog Andora went missing. Upset but resigned to never knowing what happened to her, Brenna and her family tried to move on. Until they got a call in 2024 that would change their lives again: Andora had been found 5 states away in Oklahoma.     According to’s […]

Never Give up Hope

Author: Lauren Piandes

My dog Dale was taken by an aide sent by a local agency to take care of my husband after a total ankle replacement, in March 2023. I made flyers and sent them to every vet and dog groomer in the county, reported his microchip stolen immediately, contacted animal services and had his license flagged […]

Six days and 70 miles later…

Author: Lauren Piandes

Almost a week after disappearing, I got a message from PetLink that our dog had been found on my birthday! Best birthday ever! She was found running in traffic over an hour away. We’ll never know how she got there, but we wouldn’t have ever found her again without PetLink and the absolute angel that […]

Lost not Lost

Author: Lauren Piandes

On 07/11/24 around 6:30 pm we could not find Bentley for almost 2 hours. We walked around the yard and neighbor looking and calling for him, then we contacted PetLink to report him lost. We continued to drive the neighborhood and checked with neighbors; still nothing. My daughter and I went in the house to […]

Shepherds and fireworks don’t mix

Author: Lauren Piandes

Friday July 5th at 10pm, my daughter walked outside holding Myla (without her collar or leash) and suddenly neighbors started shouting off fireworks right beside our house. Myla panicked scratching her way loose and shot off like a bullet down the street. Within seconds she disappeared!  We desperately looked for her for hours but couldn’t […]

PetLink located my cat after she was missing for 2 years

Author: Lauren Piandes

I had a tiny kitten show up on my back porch.  I began feeding her and she eventually allowed me to start petting her.  I had her fixed at CatSnip and they implanted the PetLink chip.  She disappeared 2 years ago and I assumed the worst.  Last week, Affordable Vet Clinic called and said they […]