A Week Away!

Author: Lauren Piandes

Our 11 year old indoor/outdoor cat, Mae, ventures about our backyard, usually just a block away and returns home. This recent occasion, she did not. She had been away for 7 days. We checked the local shelters. We did our usual walks around the neighborhood calling out for her but no luck. She was luckily […]

From Food to Travel: Protecting Your Pets During Thanksgiving Festivities

Author: Lauren Piandes

Thanksgiving is almost here, can you believe it? While we get ready for food, parties, and travelling, we need to keep our pets in mind! Here are the ways we can prepare ourselves and our pets for Thanksgiving:   First Things First: The first thing to do before any holiday party, travel, or pet-sitting event […]

Found by Good Samaritan

Author: Lauren Piandes

My 13 year old male cat, Lucky, was found after missing for three weeks. He is an indoor cat and escaped. He was found about a half mile away and living under a trailer. Some nice people were feeding him until one of them took him home. This person saw my post on PetLink and […]