Police departments use highly trained K9s for a variety of law enforcement applications. Police K9s may be used to find missing people, search for drugs, identify explosive devices, find evidence, and help detain fugitives. Fitting police K9s with GPS tracking technology is a great way to enhance the capabilities of K9 units.

GPS Tracking for Police K9s

GPS tracking is used to receive real-time, exact location of a tracking device. Dog collars are fitted with a GPS tracker so the dog can be constantly located. This is very important when it comes to police K9s. Police K9s may become separated from their human counterparts while performing their duty. A dog may have to chase a fleeing suspect or may be given the discretion to search for a missing person in a large area. In these scenarios, it is imperative that police officers can locate the K9 even when they are out of sight to assist them. GPS locators for dogs are the perfect tool for police K9 tracking. The collar is lightweight, durable, 100% waterproof, and has a battery life of up to 7 days; designed to stand up to the tasks police K9s complete.

How Does a Police K9 GPS System Work?

Police K9 GPS systems work by attaching a GPS to the dog’s collar. The GPS keeps constant contact with satellite technology, allowing the user to locate the tracker at all times. The PetLink GPS can be paired with a smartphone app for tracking the dog. Police agencies use GPS tracking to monitor their K9 units while operating in the line of duty.  

Benefits of Using Police K9 GPS

Using GPS tracking for police K9s improves safety and efficiency for law enforcement agencies.  When K9s are separated from officers while performing their job, GPS tracking allows officers to monitor where the K9 is at all times. This ensures that officers can reunite with the K9s if the dog cannot return to the police officers on their own. A police K9 may be injured or could be detaining a suspect and can’t leave its location. In these cases, GPS tracking will allow the K9 to stay in the field and perform its duty until the police officers can arrive at the dog’s location. 

Police K9 GPS FAQ’s

Is the GPS system suitable for all types of police K9 units?

Yes, GPS systems benefit all police K9 units by keeping them safer and more efficient.

Can the GPS system be used in different environments and weather conditions?

Yes, GPS devices are designed to be used in any environment and weather condition. They are durable and waterproof to withstand the rough nature of police K9 work.

Are there any privacy concerns associated with Police K9 GPS systems?

The GPS tracker can be easily removed at any time. It is attached to a dog collar so it can be worn when in use and removed and turned off when not needed.