Lost Pet: Leo
Posted: May 2, 2023
Lost: April 30, 2023
Pet: Leo
Breed: Orange medium haired tabby
Color: tigerorange, white
Gender: Male


Navy point people!

Decided to take Leo out on his harness in the neighborhood and it did NOT go as planned.

We last saw Leo in the bushes on Baublits, in front of the house with the baby banana trees and doggy bowl.

He has his collar on with a pet ID tag that corresponds with his microchip.

Tipped ear, some bottom teeth missing.

He’s gotten out in the past near our home, but given that we live on the other side of gulf beach, I’m unsure he’ll be able to find his way home and worried if he tries to do so.

Will come to the sound of kibble being shaken in a bowl. Or his name being called.

We have seen him twice since he last got out but wouldn’t get close enough for us to grab him.

he’s been hanging out in the thick shrubbery.