Lost Pet: Vixen Opal
Posted: May 9, 2024
Lost: May 8, 2024
Pet: Vixen Opal
Breed: Toyger, Domestic Shorthair
Color: tigergray
Gender: Female


We live in Kennewick in Lakeside Apartments, off of Clearwater & Edison. 
She snuck onto the patio while I was watering some outdoor plants aprox. 5:30 pm & I didnt realize she was gone until I got home around 8 pm. We then searched the whole house, with no sign of her. & we found her collar on the patio around 9pm after already looking for a bit. Spent until 12:00 am walking the complex & calling her name. Ive put out her box, favorite blankets, food, and treats. If you see her please report her. She is my world & I cant imagine a life without her. Her name is Vixen, but she also responds to Bun/Bunny. Shes very friendly, I dont doubt she would let people approach her. 

Im willing to give a $$ reward to bring my cat home. Please help me bring my sweet girl home.