Lost Pet: Shadow
Posted: June 5, 2024
Lost: June 5, 2024
Pet: Shadow
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
Color: black
Gender: Male


He has been traumatized lately by the amount of racoons in the neighborhood and they seem to always be under my deck. He was caught in a trap yesterday at the house behind me and I heard him crying so when I couldn?t get the neighbors attention I went through the back fence and got him out. I took him to the vet and he had to have an IV and the vet said he was traumatized. He is an outdoor cat and seemed to feel a little better last night. I when I went out to feed him this morning he wasn?t there so I looked over the fence to see if he was caught again but only saw a recoon in the trap. He is my very special little boy and I need him to come home so I can take care of him. His name is Shadow and he does not wear a collar but he is chipped. He also has a clipped ear by the city when they picked him up and neutered him. He is about 9 or 10. Please help him to get back to his mama. I love him as he is my life