Lost Pet: Oscar
Posted: August 15, 2024
Lost: August 12, 2024
Pet: Oscar
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
Color: black
Gender: Male


We adopted a cat two weeks ago, a stray who had been on the streets about an hour away for some time. He was settling in very well but we went out of town and left him in the care of a house sitter and she just told us he?s gone missing. She was somehow unaware that he was not allowed out.

He is chipped and registered to us but does not have a collar on yet. He is a neutered black male and his most noticeable feature is he has a bad eye. We have had two vets look at it so far and both said it?s likely from an old injury and does not seem to be causing him pain. We were planning on taking him to an ophthalmologist when we got home. 

His name is Oscar. He is extremely sweet and friendly. He sometimes hisses and growls but is otherwise totally nonagressive. We will come home to retrieve him if you have him. 

Thanks very much for keeping your eyes out. ??