Lost Pet: Lamar
She was on edge this morning since our other cat had surgery and wasn't asking himself. She was was just laying around looking out the window, watching birds while my husband and I were working on our offices.
At one point I went outside to put a bag in the trunk of my car then I went back inside. I checked our ring door bell and didn't see her exiting. When I came inside I went out to the garage closing the door behind me to the house and opened the garage door. We have neighborhood chickens we feed. I fed the chickens in our backyard and it took only a few minutes. I had left the garage door open. So when I cam e back inside, I shut the garage door behind me. My husband realized she was missing when she didn't come when he shook the treat box. She always comes running, even when shes hiding. But she didn't come.
We looked all over the house. We checked every closet, under beds, under couches and chairs. But we couldn't find her. We think she may have gotten outside.