Lost Pet: Tank
Posted: October 11, 2024
Lost: October 11, 2024
Pet: Tank
Breed: Calico x Unknown Breed
Color: tabbygray
Gender: Male


I'm missing my sweet baby boy, Tank.

He is a 1yo Grey/Brown and Black Tabby with Green eyes.

He currently doesn't have his collar on, as we took it off last night.

He must've gotten out this morning when letting our dogs out in the backyard - i'm EXTREMELY careful about not letting him outside without supervision, but somehow he slipped out today. He has not been seen around the house, backyard and we have been patrolling the neighborhood but are still having no luck.


IF FOUND PLS BRING TO ST. FRANCIS VET CLINIC OR CALL 501-733-5962 (this is my Husband Jeremy's number)


please help me find my baby boy, i will be distraught without him.