Together Again: Look In The Crystal Ball… Or Use PetLink

Our Husky Crystal was out running in the field with our horses and visiting the neighborhood like always but, for some reason, she didn’t come home that night. We looked for her everywhere and checked every shelter within 30 miles of home to see if she had been picked up by animal control but we were beginning to lose hope. We knew there was a possibility that she had been killed by a car or another dog, or even that she’d been taken. After two weeks, we had come to face the fact that Crystal was gone. Still, we went to bed every night hoping we would wake up in the morning and she would be sitting at the front door, waiting for her food and a chance to lay out on the couch for a nap in the cool AC.
Then, fifteen days after she went missing, we got a call we thought would never come. As my grandfather picked up the phone, I could tell right away that something had happened. Someone had our Crystal-bear over 75 miles away from home! PetLink asked my grandfather if he owned a white Husky wearing a choke chain and another collar. At first, we thought they must have the wrong person, because we don’t use choke chains on any of our dogs, but they told us they had scanned Crystal for a microchip and found her number.
When we went to pick her it was obvious she had been cared for in someone’s home as she was in such good condition. We are so happy to have our sweet girl home and we are so thankful for all of the people who helped get her back to us.