Together Again: Doberman Duo
We have two Dobermans, Bonnie and Luna. We had Bonnie, who is black and a year old, microchipped but hadn’t had time to do Luna. The dogs got out the gate and I spent all morning and evening looking for them. My fiance joined in too but the person who found them was a neighbor across the street, Mike, who went to three vets and a PetSmart, before he found someone who had a scanner who could read the chip. It was amazing that Bonnie and Luna stayed together and exciting, really wonderful, when I got them back. If it wasn’t for Bonnie’s chip I wouldn’t have found them both. I was so upset, I’m so glad I did it. The PetLink website is great. I was able to get on and report her as missing. Thank you so much. PetLink is great. Thank you again!