Together Again: Double Delivery For Dobby

I have been a dog owner my entire life but had never thought about having my fur-babies microchipped before. That was until my recent experience with my new rescue pooch, Dobby, whom I fell in love with from the day we first met.
Three weeks after I adopted my new snuggle-bug, he discovered a way to get through my fenced-in back yard. Dobby pulled a Houdini maneuver and he was gone! Talk about a pet owner’s worst nightmare! Would he be hit by a car? Would he stay safe through the cold night ahead? Would I ever see him again? Thanks to the rescue organization which has microchips implanted in all its adoptive pets and thanks also to a Good Samaritan, I was notified within an hour of Dobby’s escape that he had been found.
I thought I had fixed the escape hole but Dobby Houdini found another way out a week later! Again, thanks to his microchip, Dobby was found within less than two hours. I can’t express how grateful I am that he has his microchip!!