I left for a four-day ski trip in West Virginia to a resort where there is no phone signal. My Lab/Pit/Collie mix, Indo, stayed home in South Carolina where we live but, when he got out and someone reported his PetLink ID, it was my sister in Georgia who got the call from PetLink.

My sister was the third contact on Indo’s PetLink profile but, when they couldn’t find me, PetLink kept going through the list until they reached someone. I was out of service at the slopes and the second contact was sleeping and could not be awakened by the ringing when my sister got the call… I urge you to enter as many contacts as possible!

My sister used social media to contact my friends in the area so someone could pick Indo up. He was found before he even left the neighborhood 🙂 While he waited for his ride, he snuggled with his new friends and also got a nice meal – after my sister confirmed he had no known allergies. I didn’t even become aware that Indo was missing until he was already found and safe. Happy to be writing this happy report and snuggling with him now. Thank you, PetLink!

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