We believe our cat BJ is the son of a very beloved stray cat we took in about twelve years ago who stayed with us for a few years. We had befriended him, but could never quite get him to go to the vet with us. Go figure. This cat we named Biggie came to stay less and less. He quit coming around one day and our hearts broke. We know he wasn’t neutered and we think he moved in with a female, so … when BJ (Biggie Junior) showed up, around a year and a half ago, looking just like Biggie with reverse colours, we were certain Biggie had told him who would care for him. BJ’s an outdoor cat who even has his own house with a cat door out in my study. He’s always in and out, off where he wants, so we decided to have him neutered, vaccinated and chipped. While BJ was being treated, the vet’s assistant recognized him as a stray she had been feeding herself. She contacted me through the vet to let me know BJ had two caretakers. What neither of us knew was that BJ had a third caretaker and was getting six square meals a day!

This third group got transferred and, because they thought they were the only ones caring for the stray cat, they took him to find a good home through the Dumb Friends League in Denver. The chip showed he was mine and DFL gave me the name of the caring people who were moving and I assured them that BJ was in good hands. They were very happy at the news and BJ still has two full-time families to care for him, even if he is down to four meals a day. He is a wonderful being who makes our lives so bright and a generous little kitty soul who fills the needs of so many! 🙂

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