Together Again: Magic Of Merlin’s Mysterious Angel

This morning our Pit Bull, Merlin, gave us a very big scare. When we let the dogs in after their morning outside time Merlin was missing from the gang. We checked inside and searched the yard and looked out front and down the street but he was gone without a trace. We think he squeezed out of the gate at the bottom where it’s loose.
My three-year-old was trying to help, but I decided I had to take the boys to school so I could focus on finding Merlin. I told my son I was looking for a picture of Merlin to post so people would know Merlin was missing. He kept telling me that if we couldn’t find him we could put up his picture on trees.
I came back home and was frantically searching around my house and my neighbor’s house when I decided I had to get in the car and go look a little further away. I was in a full panic and my anxiety was through the roof.. .just praying I didn’t find Merlin dead on the road somewhere.
My husband called and told me to look at my email. Someone had found Merlin!
I was so confused, I opened my email and saw the message that said ‘Merlin has been found’. I called and asked ‘Is he alive? Is he ok?’
and they responded ‘He’s perfectly fine, just very rambunctious! We tried to call but the phone number recorded on his chip wasn’t working’.
I drove over there practically in tears. When I walked in, a real life angel 👼 was holding Merlin on a leash. She told me she had almost hit my dog and then opened her door, calling him into her car to get him safe. When she saw he didn’t have a collar she went home to get one and a leash and then went straight to the vet to get him scanned. That’s when I realised that I took his collar off for a bath weeks ago and never put it back on…STUPID 😳
The angel waited for me and helped me get Merlin in my car before giving me a hug. In my hot mess state, I didn’t get her contact information to thank her. Now that’s my next mission but I am so incredibly thankful for her kindness, loving spirit and quick thinking which I know saved our Merlin!
A big thank goes out to everyone involved this morning in getting our baby home: PetLink, Bowman Animal Hospital and that wonderful mystery woman who rescued Merlin from the road and stopped fast enough to not hurt him. Words cannot express how glad we all are to have him safe 💕🐾