Together Again: Never Too Late To See The World

We have a 17-year-old American Shorthair named Montigo. He is a house cat and had never been outside. We live one block off a busy street and there’s a school just two blocks past my house which means lots of traffic and school buses going back and forth.
We had Montigo chipped when we got him at age two. It just seemed like a good precautionary measure. I think that, when I was putting some things in the car, Montigo must have came out into the garage to see what I was doing. The garage door was shut so he probably went under the car. Then, when I opened the door and started the car, he probably got scared, must have run out and just kept on running!
All this happened on a Friday afternoon. Montigo hides a lot in the house and sleeps so I didn’t miss him when I came home. The next morning when he didn’t show for breakfast I knew something was wrong. At first, I thought he might have hidden and was sick or even that he had died. I searched the house over and over but found no kitty. I put a note on the neighborhood website and checked all the tips but still had no luck. The temperature was down in the 20s at night so I didn’t hold much hope of ever seeing him again.
Then, the following Thursday I got an email from you folks at PetLink saying Montigo had been found! Someone had taken him to the vet where they found the chip. I called the number on the email to learn that the local vet had my kitty. Montigo is home now and resting after his ordeal. What a wonderful thing it was to have him back! Can’t thank you enough for all you do. If I had not had him chipped, I would have never seen him again. Thank you again so much for the chip and your efforts, PetLink!