Together Again: Now I Have A Chip – I Hope I Never Need It
I had my Seal Point Siamese, Xavier, microchipped today at the vet to make his identification official. He is the fourth Siamese cat that I have adopted over the years. I call them my Meezers. Xavier was the runt of the litter and weighed in at less than two pounds when we adopted him at eight weeks. This is the first time I have ever microchipped any of my cats. I just have two kitties now.
My cats are inside cats and Xavier loves to sit on my lap while I am on the computer but I do take my other Siamese, Queenie, a five-year-old Blue Point out in a cat stroller I bought last year. Queenie loves riding around in it when the weather gets warmer. We are quite a sight, the crazy cat lady strolling around here in our neighborhood. I want to take Xavier so that is one reason why I had him microchipped. You just never know. Hopefully I will never have to use PetLink services, but I feel it’s better to be safe than sorry.