Together Again: My cat, Oliver

One day last week my cat, Oliver, slipped out through the garage while I was taking out the trash. I spent 2 days searching the neighborhood and alerted my neighbors to be on the lookout… nothing. I finally notified PetLink that he was missing. 3 days later I got a text from PetLink saying Oliver had been found. He was found by a woman who felt he was trying to get into her home but she was nervous about allowing him inside with her family and pets. She took him to the local animal shelter and I ran to pick him up. He was stressed but healthy. He had been rescued 28 miles from where he went missing. Our only guess is he hopped in a truck and ended up far from home. I am very thankful he was chipped so we could be reunited and extremely grateful to the woman who was nice enough to take him to the shelter to be chip scanned.