Heart-warming pet reunification stories. Tell us your story today!


Lucky Blue-Eyes

During the past five years we have fostered many dogs rescued from animal shelters. Though it’s difficult to give them up when we’ve nursed them after neglect or abuse, our reward is finding them new, permanent homes where they will be loved and respected. One dog we rescued, we named ‘Lucky’, since he was just…

January 1, 1970
Dan and Sally Mills

Show Dog

Brodie is a show dog and was with his handler at the time he got loose. The handler lives about three hours away from me so, when Brodie escaped, he didn’t know the area where he was. He was almost hit on the freeway near the handler’s houses. A kind woman driver took a risk…

Marshan Fish

Reunited With My Shelties

I have been reunited with my pet dogs, Annabelle and Isabelle. Several years ago, someone stole (I think) one of my Shelties. My son and I have been very scared that something would happen to either of our two other Shelties. Therefore, I got the chips put in. The weekend they went on “walkabout”, my…

Lynn Davis Clark

Welcome Home Blooe

After posting our lost dog poster provided by PetLink and, of course a generous reward of $300.00, an individual did respond and reunited us with Blooe. I will say this was a very stressful event and we are so happy to have our prized family member back home. WE LOVE AND MISSED YOU BLOOE!!!! Thank…

Terrie and Steve Smallwood


My cat has been recovered.

Andrea Torres

Meet The Neighbors

Asia is my black brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier. One day in June, I left Asia at my house with my boyfriend to go visit my mother down the street. Somehow, Asia managed to get out through the front gate, started following a cat and ended up down the road. A neighbor found her but didn’t…

Jennifer Lauren Cramer

So Near, So Far

My dog Bella is a gorgeous little thing, with Corgi coloring and Fox Terrier long legs. The story of how we were reunited with Bella is very interesting. My wife and I were going on vacation. We have cats too. They get along fine with Bella and the neighbor kid was looking after them while…

Robert Fink

Day At The Races

I live with my dogs on a cattle farm about two and a half miles from the highway. I guess Bruno, my white Boxer, went missing the day I went to the gun show in Vallejo. He rides around with me in my jeep, and when he saw me get in it and leave, he…

Oscar Romero

Snap Your Fingers

My black Labrador Retriever, Beauty, went out for a walk. Part of our fence was broken due to a wind storm. Beauty went under the fence, but stayed in the neighborhood. She went through my neighbor’s yard, going down a path to the park in a big green belt by the canal. A lady saw…

Carmen Thomas

Share Your Reunification Story Today! 

PetLink is happy to share reunification stories from members who have used our services to be reunited with their pets.  Visit PetLink’s “Together Again!” page to read heartwarming success stories that members have shared, or create a post to share your own story! You must be a registered member to post a reunification story on PetLink.  

Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet 

Microchipping your pet has several benefits. Microchips are permanent – after they are implanted, your dog or cat will never need to have it removed or replaced. Microchips do not use any power source or connectivity, so they will always be able to be scanned under any conditions. Microchips are inexpensive and easy to implant into your pet by a veterinarian. The procedure is also swift and generally painless. 

Unfortunately, it is very common for a lost pet to be found without a name tag on their collar. This often leads to pets being placed in shelters, hoping their owner will find them. Unlike tags and collars, microchips cannot fall out, break, get lost, etc. No matter what your pet does or where it goes, the microchip will stay safely implanted under its skin. When a pet has a microchip, it can be scanned by a veterinarian or animal shelter, regardless of the condition the pet is in. Microchips are the quickest and easiest way to identify lost animals and return them to their owners.

What Happens When Your Pet Has Been Found & Reported 

When a PetLink chip is scanned in a found pet, the owner gets notified immediately. To get in touch as quickly as possible, the registered owner will receive, texts, phone calls, and emails from PetLink right away. Once PetLink gets connected with the pet owner, arrangements can be made to return the pet safely back to its family.

Giving You Peace of Mind

We understand how important pets are to their owners– many consider their animals as members of their family. Naturally, pet owners worry about their pet’s safety and well-being. Microchipping your pet is one of the easiest and most essential steps you can take to keep your animal safe. 

PetLink significantly reduces the risk of permanently losing a pet, providing our members with peace of mind knowing we will assist in bringing their lost pets home. We encourage you to read our microchip success stories, which highlight how microchipping not only alleviates owners’ worries but also provides comfort to pets. A microchip registered at PetLink ensures lost pets are quickly reunited with their families, avoiding prolonged stress in shelters and offering great relief for both pets and their owners.