Heart-warming pet reunification stories. Tell us your story today!


Reunited more than a year later!

On March 17, 2023, our poodle mix got out of the pet sitter’s yard. I was devastated when I received the call.  We never stopped searching for our fur baby and never lost hope. April 21, 2024, more than a year later I received a call that he was found more than 50 miles away. …

April 22, 2024
Takira Cooksey

Over a Year Later

Our cat Pua got out on accident in July of 2023. On April 18, 2024, he was found and brought to the humane society by a passerby and we were reunited with him! It was one of the happiest moments of my life!

Caitlyn Vickery

Tags Can Make the Difference!

Rose got out while I was not home and a neighbor was supposed to be watching her. After six days of searching tirelessly, posting flyers, leaving a scent trail to lead her home, getting calls of sightings of her every day. Her fear to thunderstorms is what drove her home. Seen in a neighbor’s backyard…

North Carolina
April 15, 2024
Marissa Zimmet

Pepper’s Quick Escape (and Return!)

This is Pepper. She is a ‘retired’ therapy dog, and has never run away before. She must have slipped out as the workers were coming in and out during the AC installation operations. Thanks to local Detective David Ortiz, who spotted her near the Police Dept, he took her to Island Animal Hospital, our vet,…

April 11, 2024
Martha Masiello

Asher is home again

I thought I had made the best decision for my little girl and her brother Hoss in finding them a good home because at the time I was having a hard time providing for myself during COVID. I found a fireman just across from my home who agreed to take them in and provide Asher…

April 3, 2024
Jennifer Umphreys

Lost and found

Yesterday when my girlfriend was leaving and I went into the house Peanut disappeared. Looked through the woods calling for hours with no sign of him. Reluctantly I came back to the house and got online to update my PetLink account and while I was updating I received a text Peanut was found. My theory…

March 15, 2024
Richard Chatfield

Reunited with my baby boy

Hey there, everyone. I would like to take some time and tell u the story of how I was reunited with Arty. He got out on a very windy day and he couldn’t find his way home. He was very scared. I got a call from the Goffstown Animal Hospital saying that someone found my…

New Hampshire
March 6, 2024
Vicky/ Susan Ventresca

Never Give Up!

Found! 13 days after. It was a difficult time for all of us but I kept the faith and didn’t give up. I posted a flyer and believe me THEY WORK! People, my Ace has been missing 3 times and each time I post flyers it seems to me that they work the best! I…

March 1, 2024
Maribel Perez

Adventures Await… apparently!

Yesterday morning I received a phone call that Jaws had been found. I thought it was a scam but called the number back anyway. It ended up being a completely legitimate call from PetLink. They put me in touch with the person who found him and I gave them a call. Does anyone want to…

February 20, 2024
Rebecca Heaps

Share Your Reunification Story Today! 

PetLink is happy to share reunification stories from members who have used our services to be reunited with their pets.  Visit PetLink’s “Together Again!” page to read heartwarming success stories that members have shared, or create a post to share your own story! You must be a registered member to post a reunification story on PetLink.  

Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet 

Microchipping your pet has several benefits. Microchips are permanent – after they are implanted, your dog or cat will never need to have it removed or replaced. Microchips do not use any power source or connectivity, so they will always be able to be scanned under any conditions. Microchips are inexpensive and easy to implant into your pet by a veterinarian. The procedure is also swift and generally painless. 

Unfortunately, it is very common for a lost pet to be found without a name tag on their collar. This often leads to pets being placed in shelters, hoping their owner will find them. Unlike tags and collars, microchips cannot fall out, break, get lost, etc. No matter what your pet does or where it goes, the microchip will stay safely implanted under its skin. When a pet has a microchip, it can be scanned by a veterinarian or animal shelter, regardless of the condition the pet is in. Microchips are the quickest and easiest way to identify lost animals and return them to their owners.

What Happens When Your Pet Has Been Found & Reported 

When a PetLink chip is scanned in a found pet, the owner gets notified immediately. To get in touch as quickly as possible, the registered owner will receive, texts, phone calls, and emails from PetLink right away. Once PetLink gets connected with the pet owner, arrangements can be made to return the pet safely back to its family.

Giving You Peace of Mind

We understand how important pets are to their owners– many consider their animals as members of their family. Naturally, pet owners worry about their pet’s safety and well-being. Microchipping your pet is one of the easiest and most essential steps you can take to keep your animal safe. 

PetLink significantly reduces the risk of permanently losing a pet, providing our members with peace of mind knowing we will assist in bringing their lost pets home. We encourage you to read our microchip success stories, which highlight how microchipping not only alleviates owners’ worries but also provides comfort to pets. A microchip registered at PetLink ensures lost pets are quickly reunited with their families, avoiding prolonged stress in shelters and offering great relief for both pets and their owners.