Together Again: The Ransom of Red Chief Puff

Hi, I am Puff’s mom, Joy. My husband Jeff was carrying a very heavy Buddha head through the front door of the new house we built. Just as Jeff was coming in the door must have been when our Pomeranian Puff ran out. We were deciding where to place the Buddha on our deck when I got an email and my husband got a phone call from PetLink telling us that Puff had been found on a nearby road. Well, as Puff is the world’s quietest and most laid-back Pomeranian, we didn’t know he was gone! We had noticed that he was always by the front door wanting to go back to our old home. He was probably trying to hitch hike home!
Thank goodness Puff was microchipped and taken somewhere safe off the road. Remember I said he was laid back? That’s only at home!!! When he gets around people he’s a wiggle worm and does a crazy face showing his teeth and jumping non-stop. I don’t know how the kind stranger got Puff into the car and I’ll bet they were delighted to return him to us! If you’ve ever read the O.Henry story ‘The Ransom of Red Chief’ you’ll understand why people might even pay us to take him back! Puff’s the kind of guy only his parents could love. The rest of our friends and family think he’s crazy. But we LOVE him and we were so frantic about him getting out. Thank you, thank you, PetLink! Joy Rice (Brown Rice), Jeff Rice (White Rice) and Red Chief (Puffed Rice) aka Puffy.