In November 2011, two of my cats, Cotton, and her sister, Tiger Blossom, got out and didn’t come back. I was devastated without my sweet cats.

In February 2012, the weekend of Valentine’s Day, someone called from a vet’s office to let me know that a woman walking her dogs saw that Cotton was following them home. The woman wanted to keep Cotton because she and the dogs got along. First, though, she decided to take Cotton to her vet for an examination and shared the story of how Cotton was found. Thankfully, the vet scanned Cotton for a microchip.

I was so thrilled to receive such a Valentine’s gift. I am still waiting for Tiger Blossom to come home. My hope is that a kind person has taken her in all this time. I believe that there are more kind people in this world than not. Cotton is very happy to be home with her two brothers. We now live in a new neighborhood and they get to roam freely. But, they always return home.

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