My Labrador Retriever, Ace, got out the back gate. Someone in town found him and took him to a shelter. Another family looking for a rescue dog got him and went to the vet but when he was scanned they realized he was my dog. PetLink is very fast at letting you know where your pet is. They reached out to me immediately, using my email and my cell as well as calling my son’s number right away to notify us that Ace was safe. Email is very, very important for PetLink contact. People move and switch cell phones but are much less likely to change their email address. I’m a biotech recruiter and check emails all the time on my smart phone. It’s an easy thing to access. Ace was wearing a collar but his tag either fell or slipped off. Even if a tag is lost, so long as there’s a microchip, he’s safe. I’m very happy with your service and I highly recommend microchipping your pet and joining the PetLink database. I’m so happy we were able to get him back. Keep up the good work.

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