Together Again: Tell Them All About It!

My little brindle rascal Arnold, affectionately known as Arnie, slipped out of the gate a couple of days ago. While I was frantically looking for him, I received a text from PetLink telling me that Arnie had been found. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I initially decided to have Arnie microchipped. I’m equally grateful that the person who found him had the foresight to take him to a local vet who scanned him.
Maybe you know someone who has reservations about microchipping their pet. I highly recommend that that you tell them about our experience and that should convince them otherwise. I didn’t just chip my pet – Arnie is my best friend and, thanks to the microchip, we are together again.
Crystal Gienau:
Living next to a cornfield I rescued many a lab escaping under or over a fence to romp. More often than not the collar was gone, which left me only choice but to drop off at Humane society in hopes owner called. Local humane society or vet can re-unite lost pet w/owners by scanning microchip. City tags are not helpful if pet lost on weekend. I’ve also rec’d alerts of lost pets in my area since registering on this site. It’s a win win for everyone!