Together Again: Thank you to the angel who picked up Chico

Chico recently underwent extensive eye surgery. He was on 5 different eye drops, wearing a cone and he has not been wearing his collar since it interferes with the cone! Our back gate blew down during the terrible storms we had on Monday night. Somehow, with his tiny furry feet and 1/2 his vision, he managed to cross the pool area, go up 6 garden steps through the azalea bushes, trekked over briars, fallen branches and a broken fence onto one of the busiest streets in our town. He’s never left my side before, so this was truly shocking. Shih Tzus are best known as lovers not wanderers, so what caused him to take a little trip will forever be a mystery. As I’m driving around crying, calling his name and accosting everyone I see, alarms start being sent to all my emergency contacts and the calls come flooding in. All my contacts were alerted just as PetLink promised! He was maybe out for 10 minutes when he was picked up, by a veterinarian no less, named Dr. Rush. He was scanned immediately and we were reunited. I cannot thank PetLink, Dr. Rush, his ophthalmology team that saw it on Facebook and contacted me. He is one lucky 1/2 eyed, cone headed, matted up Shih Tzu. He may look like hell, but he is everything to us. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Karen Wright:
Thank God you had your baby chipped and got him back so quickly!
Cyndi Ciambelli:
Wow, that poor little thing. I am so glad you got Chico back safely. Yes, your story telling is
hysterical. :-))
Nancy Hunter:
I am so glad you got him back, but your story was HILARIOUS 😂