Together Again: Tick’s Week In The Sticks

While we were on vacation and our niece was feeding him, our cat Tick decided to take a LONG walk. He ended up over six miles from our home, hanging out in a nature reserve. A woman called Michelle was the angel who helped him back to us. Michelle said she had seen Tick in the parking lot of the beauty spot a few times, always going up to greet people, whether they had dogs or not. Realising he had been on his own there for about a week, Michelle decided to take Tick home with her and then to a local vet to have him scanned for a chip. Within an hour of the scan I was talking on the phone to Michelle getting ready to see Tick again.
From now on Tick will be in a kennel or someone will stay at the home with him when we are gone. He is a unique cat. He loves to go on creek walks, hanging out with us while we are gardening, he’s friendly to every person he meets and is not scared of any dog. We are so happy we invested in the microchip!